MyCROissant by Guillaume
師承法國麵包工藝Frédéric Lalos,前Lalos Bakery Taipei行政主廚吉雍‧佩登(Guillaume Pédron)以父親為寶貝女兒每天獻上熱騰騰麵包的心情,所打造的全新烘焙專門店──MyCROissant by Guillaume 吉可頌‧丹麥專賣店,每天皆推出結合經典及創意、純天然、無添加的各式可頌、布里歐許、派、塔、歐式麵包,有甜有鹹,以毫不妥協的法式工藝與令人耳目一新的嶄新創意,挑戰你的食尚敏感度。
Mix & Match of French & Taiwanese
不斷親自嘗試、組合之後享受每一次激盪出的火花與靈感,賦予了MyCROissant by Guillaume的可頌丹麥總是帶有台灣口味與法式手法的完美平衡。
Danish Playground
堅持選用法國百年品牌依思尼Isigny發酵奶油及法國G.M.P麵粉,造就了可頌酥脆中帶有溫潤奶油香 ; MyCROissant by Guillaume吉可頌‧丹麥專賣店的鎮店之寶G-Croissant吉可頌(售價:NTD 65元),即是揉合可頌與法國長棍麵包兩者特色的全新型態麵包。
才能完美呈現這款結合了法國最具代表性麵包的嶄新商品,是連日前訪台的廚神艾倫‧杜卡斯(Alain Ducasse)都讚不絕口的星級美味。
A bakery found by Guillaume PEDRON, ex-executive chef of Lalos bakery Taiwan.The brand concept of MyCROissant is to combine French technical skills and Taiwanese influence , to offer various of fresh , healthy and delicate croissants, danish, pastries everyday.
By years working experience with MOF master Chef Frederic LALOS ,chef Guillaume understood that not only about the skills ,but good butter is also the keypoint of making delicate croissant. which its the reason why chef Guillaume works with Isigny butter for almost 16 years.
MyCROissant by Guillaume is trying to build a playground of danish. There is no limit of danish creations, no borders of the style... we hope that you can always find your favorite one in MyCROissant.
Lastly, As a father of twins girl, Guillaume insists to use natural and quality ingredients to make frech croissants and bread everyday for all guests ,as for his lovely daughters.
宓藺實業有限公司 統一編號:82803180